Gold is amongst these metals that many benefits the human body when worn to the body. On the one hand, gold is considered to be the metal of the Sun; it puts energy in the body, and the energy derived from it assists in making the Brain and body effective.
But which finger should be selected ? Well this is not always easy since it depends on the culture of the family, the beliefs due to zodiac signs and other aspects of the personality of the people. Both boy and girl, woman and man, the finger that you wear your gold ring can determine the kind and quantity of luck the gold ring brings.
In as much as it is a perception to wear a gold ring, for luck, astrology has a say in choosing which finger to wear it from. As per one’s sun-sign or as per one’s horoscope, it is believed that wearing a gold ring on certain fingers is more beneficial and favorable.
The ring finger is that of the most acknowledged fingers for putting on a gold ring in astrology. In many cultures, this finger is assigned as a symbol of love, relationship, or marriage.
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A gold ring on this finger is meant to heal broken partnerships; rehabilitate unbalanced relationships; facilitate the creation of balanced relationships – particularly romantic ones.
This is a metal that has always been considered as depicting wealth and forty in societies across the world. In astrology it is further accompanied by the fact that a gold ring placed on a finger brings success and mainly wealth to the owner. If one was a gold ring, it assists him or her in gaining new prospects, and wealth in life.
Gold ring increases concentration
Many people believe that sleep makes one rejuvenated and the mind more sharpened, focused, and less inclined to worries. Wearing a gold ring assists one to focus in any given area and also assists to arrive at major decisions in life. This is beneficial for you in your career or anything that you are striving for.
Gold is associated with the planet Jupiter and if Jupiter is in a weak position in the horoscope then the person never succeeds. In such a situation, you are recommended to wear a gold ring on your ring finger to help you in affecting other planets apart from Jupiter.
Some people are psychologically compelled through the use of gold rings to make them be lucky.
The belief in the luck-bringing properties of gold rings can have a significant psychological impact:The belief in the luck-bringing properties of gold rings can have a significant psychological impact:
1. Increased Confidence: Putting on a gold ring on a lucky charm finger can increase self-confidence resulting in excellent performance in almost all aspects in life.
2. Positive Mindset: Where the act of wearing a ‘lucky’ gold ring tends to shift the mind to focus on positive experiences hence bringing them.
3. Reminder of Intentions: As simple as a ring made out of gold maybe, it may also be used to constantly remind one of the dream they have in life.
4. Placebo Effect: If there isn’t an inherent magical quality in the ring that will lead to an overall improvement of fortune and luck as suggested in many a movie and fairy tale, then one is compelled to conclude that… if enough people believe that a particular object brings luck then this belief is capable of changing the behavior and the perception of those people in such a way that good things will start to happen to them.
5. Conversation Starter: Having a large gold ring on your finger invites contact and therefore switches-on ‘the luck factor’ to make contacts or network.
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All fingers have a meaning that can help you decide where to wear your lovely gold ring. Here is an overview of the symbolism of different fingers:Here is an overview of the symbolism of different fingers:
The thumb is not relevant in the matter of rings at all. More importantly, rings are hardly ever worn on the thumb.
Shown that the index finger, or the ‘pointer’, is commonly linked to power and control, in other words, leadership. A ring on this finger indicates confidence and direction, in which finger females should wear a gold ring.
If for other fingers, such as the thumb, there is no special meaning for rings, then for the middle finger, there are no such principles. Earrings of any type cannot be found on the middle finger.
The fourth digit, also referred to as the ring finger, is the most common finger used to remove a ring. It has metaphorical severe meanings to almost all cultures, asking to wear a gold ring with the finger of a female.
To sum up, wearing a gold ring to be lucky is one of the cultural and astrological, as well as superstitious proverbs. In the course of this article, we have analyzed the various views and schools of thought with regard to the right finger on which a gold ring should be worn and a brief history of gold rings as tokens of luck.
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