MM to CT Size Charts - MM to Carat Weight Conversion

Jan 11, 2025
MM to CT Size Charts - MM to Carat Weight Conversion

MM to CT Size Charts - MM to Carat Weight Conversion

When a specific jewelry style or setting requires a certain stone size, it is important to understand how big a diamond really is, millimeter size. This is critically important around the purchase of non round diamonds like emerald or cushion cuts where millimeters seems the stone’s square or rectangular proportions.

Knowing the true value of diamonds is not just about a radiant sparkle or tail. Understanding the exact weight of these popular stones is of great importance when you have to shop for them. Confusion can arise when it comes to navigating the world of the carats and millimeters. But fear not! We exist to demystify the process for you. The millimeters to carats conversion process is simple, and we’ll go through the details in this guide so you can comfortably make the right decision.

Why is it important to measure a Millimeter?

Diamond size is gauged in millimeters, its diameter — to an accurate millimeter. Unlike carats, which measure weight, it is different. Millimeters instead raise a more accurate way to measure a stone’s size, since carat weight can vary because of the facets, shape and cut.

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If you want to buy a bigger looking diamond (one that appears bigger when viewed from above) then you will want to look at the fancy shapes, such as emerald, pear or oval cut. What you often find is these shapes seem to be larger cuts.

What are Pointers?

A tip is a particular way to measure the weight of little diamonds. This is just an introduction to pointers as you first need to learn about carats.

For gemstones, a carat is 200 milligram. The measurement is precise down to the hundredth decimal place, so one carat subdivides into 100 points. For example, a jeweler might say a 0.25 carat stone is a 'twenty five pointer' and a 1.08 carat stone is a 'one point oh eight carats.'.

A heavier carat means a more expensive diamond. However, it must be remembered that only a diamond’s carat weight does not dictate its value. Diamond cut, diamond color, diamond clarity, and diamond weight – or carat in diamond speak – are all components of what we call the 4Cs of diamond: cut, color, clarity, and carat.

Round MM Size

Round Carat Weight (Approx.)

4 mm

0.23 ct.

5 mm

0.47 ct.

6 mm

0.8 ct.

7 mm

1.25 ct.

8 mm

2 ct.

9 mm

2.75 ct.

10.1 mm

4 ct.

Oval-Cut Diamonds

The oval cut is explicitly the same as the classical round brilliant cut, only elongated somewhat, which can make it appear a little larger. 

The facets do all it can to maximize its brilliance by means of having 58 of them. Inserts such as oval diamond rings and other jewelry are elegant, and can be flattering on the wearer. To find the size of stone however, this carat to millimeters chart could be used.

Oval MM Size

Oval Carat Weight (Approx.)

3×2 mm

0.06 ct.


0.12 ct.

5×3 mm

0.25 ct.

6×4 mm

0.5 ct.

7×5 mm

0.76 ct.

8×6 mm

1.15 ct.

9×7 mm

1.76 ct.

10×8 mm

2.5 ct.

12×10 mm

5 ct.

Emerald-Cut Diamonds

For example, there is an emerald cut diamond with soft, rounded corners. 57 elongated, straight parallel facets make it, with a flash of brilliance and sparkle very much like a round or cushion diamond. Use this mm to create a weight chart to know the true size of your emerald cut diamond.

Cushion Cut Diamonds

A cushion (also called pillow) cut is a shape of a rectangular or square cut, with beveled angles instead of sharp ones, so it resembles a pillow. The stone has 58 facets which makes the stone giving it the attractive brilliance and appearance. Knowing the true size of a cushion cut diamond, this mm to ct conversion will come in handy.

Pear Cut Diamonds

The pear shaped diamond, otherwise known as a modified brilliant cut, is a mixture of the oval and Marquise cut with pointed end and rounded end. It has 57 facets and is almost identical in style and brightness to a round brilliant stone. The real size of your pear shaped stone can be estimated with this diamond mm to carat.

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Princess-Cut Diamonds

Engagement rings are a ubiquitous square shaped stone called a princess-cut diamond. The 57 facets it possesses often make it regarded as a modern alternative to a round brilliant. With this princess cut diamond mm to carat chart, you can determine the true size of a princess cut diamond.

Princess MM Size

Princess Carat Weight (Approx.)

5.5 mm

1.05 ct.

6 mm

1.45 ct.

6.5 mm

1.7 ct.

7 mm

2.4 ct.

8 mm

3 ct.

9.4 mm

5 ct.

10.5 mm

6 ct.

Heart Cut Diamonds

The most high demand shape is the heart shaped diamond. The stone has 57 triangular and kite shaped facets, which give the stone its fire and brilliance. The chart will help you size your heart shaped diamond.

Heart MM Size

Heart Carat Weight (Approx.)

5 mm

0.5 ct.

6 mm

0.75 ct.

6.5 mm

1 ct.

7.5 mm

1.5 ct.

8 mm

2 ct.

8.5 mm

2.5 ct.

9 mm

3 ct.

How Many MM is 1 Carat?

The difference in size of a one carat stone will vary considerably depending upon the shape of the stone. If the diamonds in question are within exactly the same distance from side to side and top to bottom, we’re talking about an ‘round’, ‘square’, etc. bit of a round diamond, for example, then a 1 carat stone will be roughly 4.5 to 5.5 mm. A one carat would be about 10x5 mm for fancy elongated shaped diamonds.

In fact, I have used MM to create conversion charts a million times!

With use of MM to carat conversion charts, you can work out the carat weight of a diamond, based on its diameter. You can simply look up the chart and match your millimeter measurement to the corresponding carat weight, which will allow you to have a closer feel for size and value.

In the End

Learning Diamond sizes is not a revelation. By learning and experiencing, a Diamond expert will get to know the sizes over the years. The chart and application above are reference material, mostly used by most people. An ability to know what you give to others in terms of diamond size is also important.

READ MORE :: Round Diamonds Carat Size Chart in MM

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