How Can You Tell If Bloodstone Is Real?

Aug 24, 2024
How Can You Tell If Bloodstone Is Real?

How Can You Tell If Bloodstone Is Real? 

Bloodstone also called heliotrope is a variety of green chalcedony containing red or brown coloured irregular patches resembling blood. This oldest form of gemstone has great history and is believed to have strong power to heal.


And when it comes to stones, it hardly gets more storied and holy than comes Walking or Bloodstone. The best known story associated with this stone is that the deep red blotches on a dark green background signify the blood of Jesus Christ but the use of Bloodstone contains energy . 

What Does Bloodstone Symbolize?

This propitious harbourer accords bloodstones a rather colorful past suggesting associative links with blood in the many centuries that the stones’ have existed for. For instance, the mineralogist and folklorist George F. Kunz records that people have believed that these gems offer particular protection from hemorrhages.


Identifying whether the bloodstone is original or a fake is quite easy and this article will provide you with a few ways that can help you do that. 

1. How to check the real or fake bloodstone?

  • Many sellers may pull your leg and offer you a plastic or a chapter stone in the name of Bloodstone.

  • Depending on the reaction when one applies chemicals to them, one is capable of differentiating the two stones through the streak test.

  • When testing you need a porcelain tile identified as the streak test plate.

  • The compound you get when you rub the Bloodstone on the streak test plate will give a red color streak.

  • Although, if a stone does not produce those blood-like streak patterns, they cannot be considered Bloodstone.

  • Using the streak test, it is evident that; plated, glass and other gemstones produce a different color. 

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 2. To be able to tell if bloodstone is real or fake

With light you can examine the Bloodstone for other physical characteristics to determine stone type.


  • Many spots may be realized in Bloodstone and it may not look like a quite transparent mineral.

  • Another superstition is to put the Bloodstone in a magazine and attempt to decipher the letters written beneath the gem.

  • With the Bloodstone, you should not be able to glimpse any letters.

  • In fact, the stone’s opacity will not be affected even if the sequence is reversed, that is, even if the stone is flipped over.

  • This tells you that you have the genuine stone on your hands.

  • It is important to note that the majority of fake Bloodstones have some sections that are transparent. 

3. If you would like to determine whether a given bloodstone is real or fake

  • Luster or the sheen on a gemstone is also a good mark of an original gemstone.

  • It is the same with the Bloodstone: an actual Bloodstone should provide most of the reflected light from the immediate surface.

  • It should not pass light as it is an opaque stone.

  • It is also possible to recognize the fake Bloodstone by the presence of small dark points on the inner surface of the stone.

  • You should see a smooth surface as it is not a stone with a rough exterior that would make it very apparent if it were porous. 

 4. In order to determine if or not a Bloodstone is real or fake

  • One can identify the Bloodstone easily, based on the color of the gemstone.

  • Some other less frequent gemstones can be found in this color too.

  • Indian Jasper is in first place, because it is nearly alike both in color and spots.

  • Sellers may not use the Jasper in place of the Bloodstone because of the high cost of Jasper stones.

  • You can also visit a nearby stone mart showroom where you can look for various other Bloodstone crystals so as to familiarize your eyes.

  • You will have the assurance of the identity of the stone if it is deep green with spots on it. The number of dots on the stone is another thing, which can be looked for also.

  • All the same, observing that a Bloodstone does not contain dots is no reason to assume it is counterfeit.

 5. To know that the bloodstone is real or fake

  • Bloodstone is thus regarded to be rigid as it has a hardness level of 6. For application of Moh hardness scale, the Construction jot runs from 5 to 7.

  • Quite a number of sellers may take advantage of this feature to produce fake Bloodstone pieces using the glass.

  • If you take a piece of glass, use it to make a foil, and attempt to message the surface of the Bloodstone.

  • The glass should not harm the surface of the stone to make any scratches. 

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 6. If you want to know if your bloodstone is believable or it is fake,

  • Some sellers take to covering their creations with glass copies of the Bloodstones.

  • There exists a glass that a Japanese glass manufacturer produces.

  • It has similar spots. The glass has the same basic color of Bloodstone. 

How to Find Fake Bloodstone?

Today you can easily get many stones that resemble bloodstone, and there is only one way of detecting whether it is real or not: if one rubs it on porcelain and red blood like stains appear on the porcelain it is real. Otherwise it cannot be bloodstone but it must be some other form of gemstone.


Bloodstone has a score of 6. 5 – 7 on the Mohs hardness scale, could be a little higher for an accurate scratch test and glass, an ordinary imitation in the gem world is now ready for equal hardness. While using a pen knife one will not be able to scratch an actual Bloodstone or even a copper coin; on the other hand, one can affect a metallic nail. 

In the end

Bloodstone is considered to be one of the courage stones. According to various historians, bloodstones came into light as magical stones in the ancient world. An example is bloodstone – warriors kept bloodstone amulets at hand so that they could stop blood loss in case of injuries and to save them from an evil eye.

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